Screaming into Deaf Ears
For me the documentary was a sobering reminder that sometimes our best intentions and even the plain truth can’t convince people to change. All we can hope in is the transformative power of God.
For me the documentary was a sobering reminder that sometimes our best intentions and even the plain truth can’t convince people to change. All we can hope in is the transformative power of God.
The Apostle Paul warned us to turn our attention to what really matters—the cross of Christ—even if the world thinks it foolish and weak. Because through the cross, God blesses.
Miscommunication can lead to misunderstanding. This is especially true when what is being communicated winds up in the hearing of the wrong person.
“How does a person get wisdom? I realize we are to be men and women of wisdom, but few people ever talk about how it’s acquired.” His answer was quick and to the point. “Pain.”
In our image-conscious society, there is an enormous emphasis placed on appearing to be someone you’re not. Playing such a role is not just inauthentic; it also encourages us to keep others at a distance.
Christians do not tap into the wisdom of the mind of Christ because they do not know their Bibles. And so they make decisions based on feelings, worldly wisdom, or ideas from people claiming to speak for God.
Most of us seldom give much thought to the Holy Spirit’s behind-the-scenes ministries. We open our Bibles to read and study God’s truth and rarely think of how He illumines our minds with an understanding of spiritual things. We pray, yet hardly ever consider the vital role He plays in that discipline.
Do you feel that you know Jesus Christ better now than you did when you started your spiritual journey? Or has your walk come to a standstill? Do you prioritize time with Jesus over other important things in your life?