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First Peter

First Peter focuses on the importance of believers bearing under unjust suffering yet continuing to live well. It’s the New Testament Job.

Read more about the book of First Peter.

Messages on this Scripture

1 Peter: Hope for the Hurting

A quick glance at the first few verses of 1 Peter is enough to give us an understanding of Peter’s message to his readers: hope for the hurting. According to verse 1, the hurting were those residing as aliens, scattered throughout vast regions of the Roman Empire. These Christians were objects of social ostracism, slander, mistreatment, and threats. They needed encouragement.

Hope Beyond Failure: The Broken Man Behind the Book

At the end of the Apostle Peter’s dynamic life, he penned a letter to a group of suffering Christians, 1 Peter, to urge them to lift their eyes to Jesus and renew their hope in Him. Get acquainted with this fisherman-turned-apostle as Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches timeless truth from Peter’s life on failure, healing, and hope.

Choosing Your Attitudes

1 Peter 1:13

Your attitude is the most important thing about you. More than your past, your success, your fame, your position, your income, your mate, or your reputation, attitude is above all of that. How much time do you waste losing your temper on things you can’t change?
