Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

The Workings of God

The surprises in store are not merely ironic or coincidental; they are sovereignly designed. While anticipating, trust Him for justice. You may not live to see that justice, but it will come. He is a just God; you know He is. So trust Him for it.

Surprising Sovereignty

All the time Haman was having the gallows built, he could see—enthusiastically anticipate—Mordecai impaled there. Now he is condemned to die there himself. We call this irony. Theologians call it sovereignty. I call it God's surprising sovereignty!

When God Calls the Shots

When I come to this book that never mentions God, I see Him all the more profoundly and eloquently portrayed throughout it. It's there in invisible ink. Just like life.

The Ride of Your Life

God can move in the heart of a king. He can move an entire nation. He can bring down the once-impenetrable Iron Curtain. He can change the mind of your stubborn mate. He can move in the affairs of your community. He can alter decisions of presidents, prime ministers, present-day kings, and national dictators. No barrier is too high, no chasm is too wide for Him, because He's not limited by space or time, by the visible or the invisible.

The Fog Is Lifting

You and I are locked in a tiny space on this foggy lake of life called the present. Because our entire perspective is based on this moment in which we find ourselves, we speak of the present, the past, and the future.

When God Seems Absent

A magnificent theological principle underscored again and again in the Scriptures is this: When God seems absent, He's present. Even when you think you have lost all, God uses it as an opportunity to awaken you to the realization that He is still in charge, as well as to bring you to your knees.

Genuinely Humble

No matter what happens to you, remember "the pit from which you've been dug." You'll find the best place on earth is still pretty close to your roots. Like the country song reminds us, "Look how far I had to come, to get back where I started from."

Operation Arrival

At just the right moment, precisely as God arranged it, in keeping with a plan we might dub “Operation Arrival,” enter Messiah.

One Long Extended Gift

Read Luke 21:1–4; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Matthew 2:11

While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” (Luke 21:1–4)

God Notices

I love those words, "God is not unjust so as to forget." When no one else notices, mark it down, God notices. When no one else remembers, God records it so it won't be forgotten.
