In the end, God Wins...and We Win...When God Wins!
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
What makes a church different than a lecture hall? Chuck Swindoll addresses that question in this message.
It occurred to me that riding a bike with training wheels is like learning to say prayers.
When you’re swimming in the ocean, it takes intentional effort to keep from drifting away. If you take your eyes off the shore, you’ll likely end up somewhere you never intended! And the same is true of our churches.
Spiritual gifts tests can help point you to areas you may be gifted in, but another way to discover your gifts is to spend time in prayer and reflect on what you’re already passionate about.
To defend His messianic claims, Jesus called five irrefutable witnesses: God the Father, John who spoke of Jesus as the Lamb of God, Jesus’ own works, the Scriptures, and Moses. Why don’t people accept the witnesses? They see and hear, but their hearts are unmoved and unwilling to believe.
When challenged by the religious elite of His day, Jesus defended His messianic identity with claims that infuriated His enemies but won the hearts of His followers. Jesus claimed to be equal with God, the giver of life, and the final judge.
The most valuable lesson I have learned in ministry is that you can never be too small for God to use...only too big,” Carlos says. The Lord knows His plan for His followers!
Although the word “guide” can be used in a down-to-earth way such as guiding a cart (2 Samuel 6:3), in Scripture its most frequent usage is filled with greater spiritual and providential significance.
When Jesus healed a lame man, rather than take joy for his healing, the legalists took issue with the man for carrying his pallet on the Sabbath. What a bunch of fusspots! To oppose legalists in our day, we must focus on truth, confront with conviction, and embrace grace.