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Paul divided Ephesians into two clear segments; applying the truths of the first makes possible the actions and lifestyle of the second.

Read more about the book of Ephesians.

Resources on this Scripture

How to Have a Good Fight

If the truth were known, not some but most marriages are marked by periodic skirmishes—and occasionally all-out wars! Frequently, marital warfare occurs in the trenches of belligerence or moodiness or both. In this message, we will take a look at why couples fight, as well as the rules that can keep any fight clean, good, and beneficial.

Look...I'm Walking!

Few things are more foundational to a productive life than walking. That is not only true in the physical realm but especially so in the spiritual realm. However, the tragedy is apparent: many in God's family (dare we say most?) have little or no knowledge of the way to do it. Let's dispel the ignorance and remove confusion regarding the manner in which God's children are to walk.
