Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Choose Your Attitude

This may shock you, but I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. 

Tender and Tolerant

When we navigate through life under full sail with wisdom at the helm, we may not miss all of the storms, but we will have the strength to persevere.

Look Heavenward

God is exacting in His knowledge.... Not one detail escapes His attention.... He knows everything about us. We are an open book before Him. 

Pleasure and Pain

When you persevere through a trial, God gives you a special measure of insight. You become the recipient of the favour of God as He gives to you something that would not be learned otherwise.

The Urgency of the Hour

If you realize that you must give account for every idle word and action when you stand before the Lord Jesus, it does amazing things to your conduct. 

Hope Revived

Take from us our wealth and we are hindered. Take our health and we are handicapped. Take our purpose and we are slowed, temporarily confused. 

All Walls Finally Fall

No matter how well-constructed or long-standing it is, the wall will fall. It may be as intimidating as an angry giant or as silent as thin air and just as invisible, like the stubborn will of a person or the bitter spirit of an individual. 
