Parenting the Prodigal
The primary struggle for Christian parents in this situation is coming to terms with what happened and how to relate to their child moving forward.
The primary struggle for Christian parents in this situation is coming to terms with what happened and how to relate to their child moving forward.
In our shame-prone culture, parents, bosses, teachers, and many pastors consciously or subconsciously urge people to connect their significance to what they produce. How much better to respect and honour others—even when they fail to measure up to expectations, or “blow it” big time!
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll in learning from this admirable father’s example and in celebrating and encouraging the great fathers in your life!
While parents continue to love their children no matter what, they cannot escape those occasions when wills clash, rebellion reaches an impasse, and things get downright impossible. The result? Harsh words and ugly reactions as parents stand their ground and sons and daughters react in stubborn defiance, refusing to back down. This is one of those times when the fun stops for parents.
Every family has headaches and heartaches. Because human depravity runs deep, it is impossible to rear our children from infancy to independence without encountering times that call for straight talk and tough love. While we love our children no matter what, parents cannot escape those occasions when wills clash, rebellion reaches an impasse, and things get downright impossible.
A hero is someone who is admired for his achievements, noble qualities, and courage. This definition isn’t limited to dads—even if you’ve never heard it, moms and dads, you are your children’s heroes.
“Have I lost my salvation? Does God still love me even though I'm doing everything wrong? And where do I go from here? I don't know what to do.”
The parable made me aware of my own imperfections and need for God’s grace and forgiveness. This realization helped me release my dad from the unfair blame I had placed on him.