Resource Library

Resolution or Prediction

Joshua 1:9

Resolutions are what we determine will happen, based on convictions, personal disciplines, strong purpose, clear vision, or a sense of mission. Predictions are things we anticipate might happen. These are based on assumptions, opinions, trends, or feelings. When you think about it, predictions and worry have a lot in common...they both forecast the future based on assumptions or feelings. They waste your energy and rob you of the joy of living today.

Suggestions for Parenting Grown-Up Kids

Living harmoniously as a family is an ongoing, intentional journey. The beginning of that journey is marked by great anticipation and genuine excitement. A bride and groom have high hopes and great dreams as they start out life together. However, as in all journeys, unexpected challenges pop up, including the arrival of children, which requires the couple to cultivate valuable parenting skills—without a handbook!
