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The Psalms express worship. Throughout its many pages, Psalms encourages its readers to praise God for who He is and what He has done.

Read more about the book of Psalms.

Messages on this Scripture

Three Troubling Changes

Psalm 97:9

We live in a world where the line between right and wrong, truth and error is blurred. Add to that biblical illiteracy and an embrace of postmodernism and you have a culture based on secular thinking where self is exalted above all else.


We are incurably curious about the spiritual realm. Although our imaginations tend to overrun truth don’t ever doubt the presence of angels, for they are about us and above us. And, who knows, maybe even within one or two of us.

Handling the Storms of Life

Calm evenings can turn quickly into stormy nights. What starts calmly as the beginning of a new school year can lead into storms of struggling to continue. What begins as a calm evening of marriage can lead into stormy nights through the passing years. No one is immune to these life surprises so make sure you’re anchored to the One who can come the storm.
