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Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

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To All Teachers

So, let me firmly establish this fact: I am deeply indebted to several teachers. If you teach, be encouraged! You probably have no idea how great a contribution you are making.

Think It Over

Leaders must go beyond analysis to action. One cannot lead without energy, motion, risk. Leaders are pathfinders, road makers, action takers.

Ya Gotta Have Heart!

You may or may not be a leader. But chances are good that you are influencing others in some measure. Don't just watch things happen. Get in there with both feet. Risk, for a change. Make some waves.


Sometimes say out loud to yourself: "This is for my good and for God's glory, even though I cannot begin to explain it."

Think It Over

Are you living every day (as if it's your last) for His glory? Do you work diligently at your job and in your home (as if He isn't coming for another 10 years) for His name's sake?
