Resource Library

Colossians: Christ, Our All in All

Colossians is the chart and compass, which will enable us to sail a straight course between the dangers of viewing Christianity as merely a philosophy and of making it a lifestyle of rigidity. How we need this little yet potent letter! Beset by gnostic heresy and harassed by Greek philosophy, the saints at Colossae were in danger of losing their way. Paul wrote to help them get back on course.

Ephesians: True Portrait of the Church

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is foundational to the doctrine of the universal church, the earthly body of Christ. It is here we learn of spiritual gifts and their purpose in the church, the proper relationships between family members at home, and the armour of God for His people. No serious student of Scripture remains ignorant of Ephesians. Its insights, principles, and practical admonitions are essential to our growth toward Christian maturity.
