Dear friend,
A number of years ago, I was in a small boat fishing off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Not too long after venturing off shore, a dense fog rolled in. I was completely shrouded, making it impossible to see the sun or have any sense of where the land was. All around me was a muted expanse of grey, and the only sound breaking the silence was the gentle lapping of water against the boat’s hull.
At that point, I began feeling panic surge inside me. Where was I? Is the tide causing me to drift further out? Am I going to be lost at sea? For all intents and purposes, I was already lost.
Then a foghorn sounded. When I heard it, I knew where it was and could orient myself in relation to it. With the foghorn as my guide, I was able to head toward land and safe harbour. The foghorn became my lifeline in that dense and disorienting fog. Without it, I shudder to think what might have happened.
It seems to me that my experience that day is a lot like the spiritual state of many people. Separated from God, they go through life in a fog, adrift without any true or ultimate sense of direction or purpose. Life makes no real sense. In biblical terms, they are lost.
The Bible, clearly and accurately proclaimed, is like a foghorn sounding a warning of danger and providing direction to safety. When the foghorn of God’s Word is sounded and people hear and respond, they are then able to find safe harbour in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ.
I think of our work together—you, our gracious partner, and us at Insight for Living Canada—as the ones sounding the foghorn of God’s Word. Through our broadcast, online resources, and printed materials, we proclaim His truth. Together, we help provide guidance for believers and point the lost towards the safe harbour found in Christ.
We’re living in times that are “foggier” than ever. People feel more adrift, confused, and lost than they have in a long time. That’s why it’s crucial for us to keep sounding the clear truth of God’s Word. And that is why your continued partnership is essential. Without your prayers and support, we cannot continue to sound the foghorn of clear biblical truth.
Please consider supporting us again this month as we continue to point people toward Christ.
Through your supportive friendship we can continue guiding Canadians toward the safe harbour found in Christ.
Proclaiming the message with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director and Pastor
PS Sending your financial gift today will help lost people find their way to the safe harbour in Christ.