Living Above the Drag of Defeat
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he reveals that Christians have a choice—either to continue to yield to the sinful desires of the flesh or to experience true freedom through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sin isn’t a popular word. Most people think of sin as doing something really bad, like murder, assault, or robbery. But the word “sin” has the idea of missing the mark, not hitting the target.
The idea is that God has set a glorious standard and when we fail to live by it, we sin. We say, do, and think things that are contrary to God's standard, and the problem is that no matter how much we try and achieve change by ourselves, we just can't succeed.
The Bible teaches that our nature is imprisoned to sin. We miss the mark because we choose creation over the Creator. We look to succeed by our own strength, yet we never shake our own selfish sin. No matter what our education, religious heritage, ethnicity, or financial status, we cannot overcome the power of sin by ourselves. This is a problem.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he reveals that Christians have a choice—either to continue to yield to the sinful desires of the flesh or to experience true freedom through the power of the Holy Spirit.
It’s important to live an accountable life because once a man can lie to himself he can lie to anyone.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll shows that, even though the strongest believers struggle with sin, Jesus Christ offers His people moment-by-moment victory.
Here is the principle: We reap what we sow, forgiveness notwithstanding. Confessing our sin does not take away the consequences. However, God’s grace means God, in forgiving us, gives us the strength to endure the consequences.
Romans 6:15–23 explains that, through His death, Christ offered freedom to experience the peace and wholeness that God designed for His people. So, whose slave will you be—sin’s or Christ’s? Make the choice today with Pastor Chuck Swindoll.
In Romans 6:5–14, the Apostle Paul told Christians that since they were saved by grace, they could now live by grace. The same power that saved them could also change them from the inside out. Instil these truths in your heart today as you listen to Pastor Chuck Swindoll.
Learn from Pastor Chuck Swindoll how you can live free from the bonds of sin, death, guilt, shame, and fear.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll in finding freedom in the message of Romans 5:18–21. Learn how the King of grace has overcome the power of guilt to give you hope and new life.
Erosion is dangerous because you don’t see it happening when all the while it’s eating away, disintegrating, destroying...slowly, silently, and subtly.
Wondering how to stay pure in a world filled with temptation? Learn to run. As soon as you find yourself starting to lust, run. You cannot lust and run at the same time.